This a small sample of open source code being developed at WARPLab.

Data Analysis

  • rost : Realtime Online Spatiotemporal Topics (ROST) can be used for unsupervised analysis of sensor and image data, in batch or streaming mode. ROST deos hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric topic modeling of data while taking advantage of its spatiotemporal context.
  • topic-explorer: Visualizing results of topic modeling of mission data. (coming soon)
  • bio-watch : Multiple target tracking of using particle filtering.
  • image-autoencoder : A convolutional autoencoder for image data, with options for a configurable number of layers, dropout, and weight regularization.



  • rost-ros: an older version of ROST that runs on Robot Operating System (ROS)
  • ueyecamera: ROS drivers for IDS ueye cameras.